ashford FAQ

ashford FAQ

How easy is it to get around Ashford?

You can travel around the city by bus, taxi, or private car. This city is known for its markets and shop. You can walk around the shops and look at what’s there.

Where to stay in Ashford?

There are several hotels, and guest houses are there in Ashford. But if you are looking for an affordable and quality place to stay, you should choose Ashford International Hotel & Spa.

What’s it like eating and drinking in Ashford?

There are several restaurants and bars are there to enjoy the best food. There is a wide variety of traditional and international foods to choose from.

What is there to do in Ashford?

Ashford has so much to offer, from safari parks to historical sites. During your visit, you can stroll around the city and take in the beauty of the surroundings.

How to get to Ashford?

You can travel from London to Ashford by train, and the quickest and most convenient way to get from London to Ashford is to take the high-speed train from St Pancras Station.